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by Patricia Fumerton 10 years, 11 months ago
Class 1 — Thurs, Jan. 9 Introduction
Class 2 — Thurs, Jan 16 What is a Ballad? -- The Question of Ballad Measure, Oral vs. Print, and Changing Forms
Ballad Readings:
- “The true description of a monstrous Chylde,” Huth, BL (pdf
- “An Epitaphye vppon the Death of . . . I. Iuell,” Britwell, Huntington,: 1580," Huntington Miscellaneous 18320
- “A Fooles Bolt is soone shot,” Pepys 1.178-179
- “A Lamentable Ballad of the Ladies Fall,” Euing, 128Schedule
- "Chevy Chase," Huntington Miscellaneous 288220
- "The Loves of Jockey and Jenny,” Pepys 4.110
- “Jockey and Jenney,” Pepys 5.35v
- Jockey and Jenny "Song," From Newest Collection of the Choicest Songs (1683) (jpg)
- “Three Excellent New Songs,” Rox 3.604
- “The Gloucestershire Tragedy,” Rox 3.382-383
- “The Colliers Rant,” Rox 3.352
- "Confederate Slipsongs"(jpg)
- “St. George and the Dragon,” A Collection of Old Ballads, anonymous, d. 1723-1725, pp. 23-27 (pdf)
- Eric Nebeker, “The Heyday of the Broadside Ballad,” in Pepys (EBBA)
- Paxton Hehmeyer, "The Social Function of the Broadside Ballad; or a New Medley of Readers,” in Pepys (EBBA)
- William Gahan, “Ballad Measure in Print,” in Pepys (EBBA)
- James Revell Carr, “‘An Harmlesse Dittie’: Ballad Music and its Sources,” in Pepys (EBBA)
- Paula McDowell, “‘The Art of Printing was Fatal’: Print Commerce and the Idea of Oral Tradition in the Long Eighteenth-Century Ballad Discourse,” in Ballads, pp. 35-56 (pdf)
- Mary Ellen Brown, “Child’s Ballads and the Broadside Conundrum,” in Ballads, pp. 57-72 (pdf)
- Hyder E. Rollins, “The Black-Letter Broadside Ballad,” PMLA, 34, no. 2 (1919): 258-339 (pdf)
Naming and Creating Ballads (some perplexing terms) Selden on Ballads O.E.D. definition of "libel"
Class 3 — Thurs, Jan. 23 Formal Features: Paper and Ink
- Gerald Egan and Eric Nebeker, “Other Common Papers: Papermaking and Ballad Sheet Sizes,” in Pepys (EBBA)
- Gerald Egan, “Black Letter and the Broadside Ballad,” in Pepys (EBBA)
- Zachary Lesser, “'Typographic Nostalgia: Playreading, Popularity and the Meanings of Black Letter,'” 99-126 (pdf)
- Angela McShane, Introduction to her Political Broadside Ballads of Seventeenth Century England: A Critical Bibliography, pp. 1-31 (pdf)
- Eric Nebeker, “Chapter 5: Ballads in Black and White” and Appendices 2-4, in his dissertation, The Broadside Ballad and English Literary History, 1540-1700, pp. 130-161, 185-201 (pdf) (pdf)
- Stanley Morrison, 'Black-Letter' Text (Cambridge, 1942)
Guest Speaker:
Professor Sandra Reese, Art Studio, UCSB:
We will be meeting in 0254 in the art building. Get there early. The paper lab is on the level below the main bike path that runs in front of the art building. There is a stairway leading down to a small parking lot on the ocean side of the bike path opposite the Humanities and Social Sciences Building. Walking down the stairs, the Hatlen theater will be on the right and the paper lab will be to the left, enclosed in a green wind-screen-fenced courtyard.
Dr. Reese will have some rubber boots and plastic aprons to keep everyone dry. Best to wear shoes that you don’t mind getting wet and won’t slip on wet concrete.
Class 4 — Thurs, Jan. 30 Formal Features: Woodcut Illustrations
Criticism (for those marked with an asterisk, just skim the text and focus on the illustrations):
*"The faythfull Louers resolution," Pepys 2.256-257
*“The Discourse betweene A Soldier and his Loue,” Pepys 1.296-297
*"The Lamenting Lady," Pepys, 1.44-45
*"The Lamentation of Dell's Mistris," Pepys, 3.333
“The Swimming Lady,” Pepys, 4.20
“The Happy Lovers Pastime,” Pepys, 4.4
*“Loves Lamentable Tragedy, ” Pepys, 3.352
*“Love’s Unspeakable Passion,” Rox 4.22
“The good Shepheards sorrow for the death of his beloued / Sonne,” Pepys 1.352-353
"A Joyful Song . . . ," HEH Misc. 18309 (think about image/text relationships)
"Titus Andronicus Complaint," Pepys 1.86
"The Lamentable and Tragical History of Titus Andronicus," HEH Misc 289783
"The Lamentable and Tragical History of Titus Andronnicus," Rox 1.392-393
"The Lamentable and Tragical History of Titus Andronicus," Pepys 2.184-185
- Simone Chess, “Woodcuts: Methods and Meanings of Ballad Illustration,” in Pepys (EBBA)
- Alexandra Franklin, “The Art of Illustration in Bodleian Broadside Ballads before 1820,” The Bodleian Library Record, 17, no. 5 (2002): 327-52 (pdf)
- Patricia Fumerton, Carl Stahmer, Kris McAbee, and Megan Palmer Browne, “Vexed Impressions: Toward a Digital Archive of Broadside Ballad Illustrations” (pdf)
- Introduction, Studies in Ephemera: Text and Image in Eighteenth-Century Print, ed. Kevin D. Murphy and Sally O'Driscoll (Buchnell), pp. 1-28 (pdf)
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Megan Palmer Browne, EBBA Ballad Illustration Archive Assistant Director, UCSB
Class 5 — Thurs, Feb. 6 Production and Dissemination: Authors/ Printers and Publishers/ Peddlers and Chapmen
Ballad Readings:
- William Elderton, “A New Yorkshyre Song, Intituled: Yorke, Yorke, for my Monie,”
Rox 1.1
- Thomas Churchyard, "The Epitaphe of the honorable Earle of Pembroke" (HEH Britwell 18285)
- ----------, "Dauy Dycars Dreame"
- ----------, "Churchyardes Lamentacion of Freyndshyp" (HEH Britwell 18283)
- Lawrence Price, “Robin Hood’s Golden Prize,” Pepys 2.114
- ----------, “Win at First, Lose at Last,” Pepys 2.207
- ----------, “Good Ale for my money,” Rox 1.138-139
- ----------, “The merry conceited Lasse,” Rox 1.240-241
- ----------, “A wonderfull wonder,” Rox 1.482-483
- ----------, “The famous Woman-Drummer,” Rox 3.234-235
- Martin Parker, “A Scourge for the Pope,” Pepys 1.60-61
- ----------, “A warning for wiues,” Pepys 1.118-119, 2.225v
- ----------, “The Countrey Lasse,” Pepys 1.268-269
- ----------, “The wiuing age,” Pepys 1.384-385
- ----------, “A Prouerbe old, yet nere forgot,” Pepys 1.386-387
- ----------, “Robin and Kate, Rox 1.354-355
- John Cart, “The cunning Age,” Pepys 1.412-413
- Thomas D’Urfey, “The Loyal Protestant or, a Defiance to Traytors,” Pepys 2.215
- ----------, “The Bashfull-Maidens No, No, No, turn’d to I, I, I,” Pepys 3.183
- ----------, “The Captains Courtship to a Town Miss. Being Lately Sung in the Play, call’d Don Quixot,” Pepys 5.214
- Aphra Behn, “Amintor’s Answer to Parthenia’s Complaint,” Pepys 3.373
- ----------, “The Lovers Invitation: Or, the Forsaken Batchelors Complaint,” Pepys 4.46
- Kris McAbee and Jessica C. Murphy, “Ballad Creation and Circulation: Congers and Mongers,” in Pepys (EBBA)
- Cyprian Blagden, “Notes on the Ballad Market in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century,” pp. 161-180 (pdf)
- Eric Nebeker, “Chapter 3: “Authoring Ballads,” in Broadside Ballads and Literary History, pp. 46-83 (pdf)
Class 6 — Thurs, Feb. 13 Orality: Music and Performance
Ballad Readings:
- Claude M. Simpson, The Broadside Ballad and Its Music (Rutgers, 1996), pp. ix-xxxiii (pdf)
- Bruce R. Smith, “Ballads Within, Around, Among, Of, Upon, Against, Within,” in The Accoustic World of Early Modern England (Chicago, 1999), pp. 168-205 (pdf).
- Christopher Marsh, Music and Society in Early Modern England (Cambridge, 2010), selections from chapters 5 and 6 (pdf): Marsh Music Files (These recordings accompany the reading: ).
Guest Speaker:
Erik Bell, EBBA Ethnomusicologist/Singer, UCSB
Class 7 — Thurs, Feb. 20 - Fri., Feb. 21 (overnight stay in Riverside)*
Handling Originals: Two-Day Field Trip to UC-Riverside (to learn about and work Printing Presses) and to the Huntington Library (to view and handle Broadside Ballads and Woodblocks)
*Travel is being subsidized by the English Department
- Margreta de Grazia, "Imprints: Shakespeare, Gutenberg, and Descartes," in Printing and Parenting in Early Modern England, ed. Douglas A. Brooks, pp. 29-58 (pdf).
- Elizabeth Kathleen Mitchell, "William Hogarth's Pregnant Ballad Sellers and the Engraver's Matrix," in Ballads, pp. 229-247 (pdf)
Guest Presenters:
Sara A. Stilley, Special Library Assistant for Printing and Preservation, UC-Riverside
Stephen Tabor, Curator of Printed Books, 1500-1800, Huntington Library
Class 8 — Thurs, Feb 27 Going Digital: Facsimiles and Facsimile Transcriptions
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Charlotte Becker, EBBA Assistant Director, UCSB
Class 9 — Thurs, March 6 Think-Tank: The Making of a Broadside Ballad Journal Series: NOTES
Dr. Charlotte Becker, EBBA Assistant Director, UCSB
Dr. Megan Palmer-Browne, and Theresa Russ
Skyping in: Drs. Carl Stahmer (Associate Director of EBBA) and Professor Andrew Griffin
Class 10 — Thurs, March 13
Reports: Ideas for your 7-10 pp. Research Papers*
Papers Due Monday March 17th via email as word doc and pdf
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