

Page history last edited by Patricia Fumerton 11 years, 1 month ago

1) Regular attendance and participation.

2) Overnight Field Trip to UC-Riverside to view its collection of printing presses and learn to actually work one, and the next day to the Huntington Library to study original broadside ballads and woodcuts. The field trip will occur Thursday, February 20th - Friday, February 21st. The Department has allocated us a budget to help cover the costs of our lodging.

3) Five Crawford Facsimile Transcriptions.

4) A Research Paper (10-12 pp.) on a topic of your choice. I encourage you to write about a ballad (or set of ballads) that bears upon your dissertation interests or to write about a facet of the Crawford collection (distinctive features of the ballads, recurring themes, etc.), or to write about the relationship between the archival practice of transcription/making facsimile transcriptions and ballad interpretation. Due Monday March 17, via email as word doc and pdf.

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