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Saved by Patricia Fumerton
on December 15, 2013 at 2:59:34 am


Professor: Patricia Fumerton


Time and Place: Thursdays, 3:30-5:45pm., Early Modern Center (SH 2510)

Office Hours: Fumerton SH 2506, Tuesdays 5:00-6:00 and by appt.


Website for Course: http://english231ballads2014w.pbworks.com/w/page/71171696/FrontPage


This course will study the evolving culture of the most published and most read of literary forms in early modern England: the broadside ballad. The goal is to understand the printed ballad within its changing aesthetic and historical contexts. In each class, we will read a sampling of ballads from the period in light of critical works that address the following topics: definition (what is a ballad?), formal features (paper and ink; woodcut illustrations), production and dissemination (authors, printers/publishers, and peddlers/chapmen), orality (music and performance), collectors and collecting processes (with a focus on the Crawford collection), and making a digital ballad archive. The course will be in many ways "hands on." We will make paper in 16th and 17th century fasion at UCSB Art Studio, work a printing press at UC-Riverside,  handle original broadside ballads and woodcuts at the Huntington Library, and both transcribe and make facsimile transcriptions in the EMC.



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